Remarketing in hotel marketing: Strategies for winning back website visitors

Woman using her smartphone, symbolizing remarketing in hotel marketing

Remarketing has established itself in the digital marketing world as an effective way to win back lost website visitors. This tool is particularly valuable in hotel marketing, where the aim is to retarget potential guests who have shown interest but not booked. In this article, I discuss how remarketing can be used in hotel marketing to achieve higher conversion rates and strengthen guest loyalty.

The role of remarketing in the digital age

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, keeping the attention of website visitors over the long term is a challenge. Remarketing allows hotels to retarget previous visitors to their website by advertising on other online platforms they have visited. This strategy relies on the memory and existing interest of users. Targeted remarketing reminds potential guests why they were originally interested in your hotel and increases the chance that they will reconsider their decision and ultimately book.

The psychological effect of remarketing

A key element of remarketing is its psychological effect: repeated exposure to your brand increases familiarity and therefore the likelihood of a positive response. This is based on the human tendency to prefer what is familiar. Through regular remarketing, you build a familiar presence and strengthen trust in your brand, which can ultimately positively influence the decision to book.

How remarketing is transforming hotel marketing

1. Increase the booking rate

By targeting previous website visitors, hotels increase the likelihood of them completing their booking. Remarketing is not only a tool to increase direct bookings, but also an effective way to increase brand awareness and build long-term customer relationships.

2. Customized communication

Remarketing allows hotels to personalize their advertising based on users’ previous behavior. This leads to a more relevant and effective approach. For example, the ads can highlight special offers or experiences that may be particularly appealing to the individual user based on their previous interactions with the website.

3. Improve guest loyalty

Through regular interaction with potential guests, remarketing strengthens the bond with the brand and promotes loyalty. It allows hotels to build a lasting relationship with potential guests, even if they did not originally book. This continuous presence in the minds of the target group can lead to repeat bookings and recommendations in the long term.

4. Economic advertising spend

Because remarketing focuses on users who have already shown interest, it can lead to more efficient and cost-effective advertising. This results in a lower cost-per-click rate and a higher ROI compared to traditional advertising methods.

Implementing successful remarketing strategies

Target group-specific advertising

The selection of the target group for remarketing should be based on detailed analysis of user behavior. By understanding specific interests and needs, hotels can create customized ad campaigns that directly address the wants and needs of the target audience.

Diverse ad formats

Remarketing offers a variety of options, including graphical display ads, text ads and even video content. Hotels should experiment to find out which formats resonate best with their target audience. The variety of ad formats makes it possible to be creative and get the message across in a way that appeals to and engages the target audience.

Measurement and customization

Monitoring campaign performance is critical to the success of remarketing. Hotels should regularly analyze the performance of their ads and adjust strategies accordingly to maximize effectiveness. This continuous process of analysis and adjustment helps to refine campaigns and ensure they are delivering the desired results.


Remarketing offers hotels an effective way to stay in touch with potential guests and increase their chances of booking. Through targeted, personalized ads, hotels can build a stronger bond with their target audience and ultimately increase their conversion rates and overall revenue. In a world where online presence is crucial, remarketing is an essential part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. With the right implementation and continuous optimization, remarketing can be a powerful tool to not only increase short-term bookings, but also build and maintain long-term relationships with guests.

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